It seems like the new trend is coming to town though it is pretty slow in Asia but who in the name of fashion could pull this one off? It takes one trendsetter to bring down the house. I've seen many girls with creeping shoes in Singapore and to my surprise, some of them can pull it off pretty well. It is kind of edgy, well you have to know what sort of attire that could possibly go with it.

There are many selections at H&M that gives an edgy fashion look without overdoing it. Check out the photo I've included which might help you guide what type of dress/attire you can find. H&M is just miles away from everywhere so make full use out of your free day to drop by and find yourself a pretty dress to go with it. If you are ever interested in getting the dress and legging from the picture, help yourself at H&M. The dress will cost you S$39.90 and as for the printed legging, it is also S$39.90 which is pretty affordable. You may also help yourself by visiting StyleBubble to look out for more pictures of Creeping shoes with their very own design dresses.
(I do not promote neither H&M nor Stylebubble for my benefit and I do not have any relations whatsoever with H&M and Stylebubble)
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