Sunday 13 January 2013

My favorite craftholic

Last year I received a plush toy (big one) as a valentine' s gift. I've been craving for this plushie for a long time. I was indeed very excited when I first received my Paris edition craftholic. I brought her to US, Bali and many other place.

The last time I was with Paris, she was with me. We took a flight to Singapore and as I went to duty free shop, I left her on the counter as I was holding too many stuffs. I forgot to take her with me.

Frustrated and annoyed to face the fact I don't get to see her anymore. The one plushie I spent so much time with, disappeared without a trace. I called changi airport if they could trace the missing item. Sadly, it has been almost 3 weeks with no news whatsoever.

Good things come in year 2013 for me. Today I get to pick my own choice of craftholic. Again,  valentine' s day is around the corner somewhere!!! Craftholic provides valentine edition. I was very hype about it and I laid eyes on the first one I see. T' was the valentine edition. I quickly asked for a new sealed in a plastic and happily hopping out of the shop with full grin on my face. Boy, don' t I just sounded like a little girl? Believe it or not, I've had many sleepless night since Paris was missing.

I guess it's time to replace her with *Valentine*! Drop by plaza singapura or bugis+ if you are interested with this plushies.  They are available in many shapes, colors,  and sizes. An affordable gift to the love ones.

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